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tag: Color

Visualizing the raw (sensor) highlight clipping

Have you ever over-exposed your images? Have you ever noticed that your images look flat and dull after you apply negative exposure compensation? Even though the over/underexposed warning says there is no overexposure? Have you ever wondered what is going on? Read on.

the problem

First, why would you want to know which pixels are overexposed, clipped?

Consider this image:


… Why is the sky so white? Why is the image so flat and dull?

Color Reconstruction

If you overexpose a photo with your digital camera you are in trouble. That’s what most photography related textbooks tell you – and it’s true. So you better pay close attention to your camera’s metering while shooting. However, what to do when the “bad thing” happened and you got this one non-repeatable shot, which is so absolutely brilliant, but unfortunately has some ugly signs of overexposure?

In this blog article I’d like to summarize how darktable can help you to repair overexposed images as much as possible. I’ll cover modules which have been part of darktable for a long time but also touch the brand new module “color reconstruction”.

Color Mapping

I’d like to give a few words on a new module named “color mapping” that is currently under development in our master branch. This module is a rework and enhancement of the older “color transfer” module. That older module had several issues which made a migration impossible. So we leave the old one behind as deprecated (old history stack still work as before) and for all new history stacks “color mapping” should be used instead.

Some enhancements to conditional blending

Conditional blending, also known as “blend if”, is a feature which is currently under development in our master branch. A general description of the idea together with some examples can be found here. In short, conditional blending allows you to limit the effect of a module to certain pixels of an image, determined by their color coordinates. For modules in Lab space, you can restrict the effect of a module depending on the pixel’s L, a, and b value. For modules in RGB space, you can restrict the effect of a module depending on color channels Red, Green, and Blue plus a Gray value.

Upcoming features: Conditional Blending

or “If one slider is not enough”

Diligent readers of our small blog series are already aware of the blending feature that darktable offers as part of many modules. Instead of just handing over their result to the subsequent module in pixelpipe, “blending modules” take a moment to reconsider. Based on the blend setting they will take their original output together with their input and do a re-processing. As an example refer to here, where we took blend mode “overlay” with module “lowpass” to do shadow recovery.

Mastering color with Lab tone curves

or “How to bring the jungle back”

Since its early beginnings darktable has a tone curve module that is able to alter the gray level distribution of an image. Recently we did an enhancement: tone curve is now able to control the full Lab color space with separate curves for the L, a and b channel. People who are used to curve tools in RGB, at first might get puzzled over the results of these three curves; they show marked differences to the typical RGB curve. Especially a and b channels need to be dealt with in the right way; not doing so will give you strong off-colors. To spare you frustration here are some explanations and examples.

different kind of saturation

different kind of saturation


there are many different ways of tuning saturation, darktable does offer a few alternative ways to alter saturation and the reason for this post is to clarify what they do and how they work. the image on left is the original untouched image used for the different examples below, use it as a reference for comparing the results of the different kind of saturation described below, the resulting effects is exaggerated to make it easier to spot the differences.